The Sutter-Yuba Mosquito & Vector Control District is beginning its 2023 green swimming pool inspection program. At each home where a green swimming pool or other potential mosquito breeding source has been detected, staff will make a visit to inspect and where necessary, treat a pool to prevent any further mosquito production. District staff will appear in uniform, and displaying a picture ID to ascertain whether a pool is producing mosquitoes. An unmaintained pool can produce as many as 100,000 mosquitoes over the season. West Nile virus has regularly been detected in the Yuba Sutter area each year since 2005, with human infections in most years as well. Stopping mosquito production in residential pools is an important way to reduce risk for residents right in their own neighborhoods. The whole process takes just a few minutes to provide season long control of these mosquitoes. There is no cost to residents. Pool owners can later make their pool ready for swimming if they so choose.