Public Service Announcement
Friday July 23, 2021
Risk of West Nile virus continues to increase throughout Sutter and Yuba counties as more mosquitoes test positive for the virus. “We are seeing increased virus presence in mosquito samples collected from our traps, across a wide area. The risk for human infection is present,” said Stephen Abshier, District Manager. “Regardless of where you live, if you’re going to be outside when mosquitoes are active, please don’t take any chances and protect yourself by applying a mosquito repellent and by wearing long sleeves and pants at dawn and dusk when mosquito activity is high. This will go a long way in preventing mosquito bites,” added Abshier. In response to recent findings and increased virus activity, District staff will continue to aggressively target adult and larval stages of mosquitoes. The District continues to treat urban areas with truck mounted foggers on Thursday mornings and rural areas on Tuesday nights, to reduce the adult mosquito population. Agricultural areas west of Yuba City, north of Marysville, south of Olivehurst and east of Plumas Lake continue to be treated by aircraft for adult mosquitoes, with spray missions occurring after dusk, that may occur on any night of the week. These spray areas can be viewed at the District’s website at Individuals can sign up for email notification of mosquito spraying at the District’s website or follow us on Facebook. All residents should dump and drain standing water in their yards to eliminate mosquito breeding sources. Contact: Stephen Abshier, Manager Phone: (530) 674-5456 E-mail: 2021 West Nile Virus activity: These detections can be viewed on our website. Sutter County: 4 mosquito samples have tested positive for WNV to date. Meridian, Daphne Lane, Craig Road (west of Live Oak), Sheppard Road Yuba County: 2 mosquito samples have tested positive for WNV to date. Linda, Hallwood