Town fogging continues in Wheatland, Plumas Lake, Linda, Marysville, south Yuba City, Live Oak, Sutter, Tierra Buena, Olivehurst, and Edgewater. The application is scheduled to take place tomorrow morning, July 13th. Spraying will be performed with pickup mounted foggers every week starting as early as 3:30am and ending by 6:30am. Meridian and Robbins are being sprayed on Tuesday evenings starting at about sunset. Although this material poses a low risk to human health, some people may prefer to avoid or minimize exposure by staying indoors, keeping their windows closed and turning off their window –mounted air conditioners, evaporative coolers and whole house fans when spraying is taking place in the immediate area. All pesticide applications are predicated on mosquito abundance, disease activity and favorable weather conditions. To view an interactive map of town fogging areas follow this link:…/town-fogging/