Public Service Announcement

The Sutter-Yuba Mosquito and Vector Control District has been inspecting spring breeding sources of mosquitoes in urban areas. Unseasonably warm temperatures have accelerated mosquito production and technicians are finding larvae in most standing water that has been checked. Urban sources are of particular concern as they produce mosquitoes that can transmit West Nile virus. Recent rains were significant and created ideal conditions for mosquitoes to breed. Backyard sources such as buckets, tires, flowerpots, birdbaths and other items that can hold water can breed thousands of mosquitoes over the season. “Please inspect your yard and dump out any water you might find,” said Michael Kimball, District Manager. With the warmer weather, residents are out enjoying their yards. “It is important to always wear an effective mosquito repellent,” said Kimball. “Mosquitoes are already out and it’s important to stay protected.”
            In addition to draining and dumping standing water, the District also asks residents to report neglected swimming pools. There is no penalty or charge to owners when we treat pools breeding mosquitoes. Inspection and treatment of a pool is quick and non-intrusive.
You can obtain additional information about backyard mosquito sources and how to eliminate mosquito breeding by visiting our website at, Facebook page or calling the District office at 674-5456 ext. 0 between the hours of 7 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday thru Friday.

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