Due to detections of West Nile Virus, additional adult mosquito control applications will take place in District 10 area on Friday morning, July 28, 2023 as early as 3:30 am and lasting up until 6:30am.  Spraying will be performed with pickup mounted foggers, with an amber colored flashing light. Although this material poses a low risk to human health, some people may prefer to avoid or minimize exposure by staying indoors, keeping their windows closed and turning off their window –mounted air conditioners, evaporative coolers and whole house fans when spraying is taking place in the immediate area. All pesticide applications are predicated on mosquito abundance, disease activity and favorable weather conditions. You can obtain additional information about spray operations by calling the District office at 674-5456 ext. 0 between the hours of 7 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday thru Friday or by viewing our website at https://sutter-yubamvcd.org/services-and-programs/town-fogging/. Residents can also sign-up for email spray notifications by visiting the District’s website.