
Due to an increase in mosquito abundance in the agricultural areas of the District, ground fogging has been scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Ground fogging in agricultural areas will begin Tuesday, June 16, 2020, beginning at dusk. Spraying will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as long as mosquito numbers remain high. The work will be performed using truck mounted foggers equipped with an amber colored flashing light. Spraying will begin at sunset and last no longer than 3 hours. All treatments are dependent on appropriate weather conditions. The District will be applying a combination of materials over the mosquito season that include, synthetic pyrethroids and natural pyrethrins, labeled for use in agricultural, recreational and residential areas and neighborhoods. This material is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and applied according to label directions by the District’s trained and certified technicians and contractors. Although these materials pose a low risk to human health, some people living in these areas may prefer to avoid or minimize exposure by staying indoors, keeping their windows closed and turning off their window –mounted air conditioners, evaporative coolers and whole house fans when spraying is taking place in the immediate area. You can obtain additional information about spray operations by calling the District office at 674-5456 ext. 0 between the hours of 7 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday or by visiting the District website. When outside and mosquitoes are biting, wear long sleeves and long pants and apply a mosquito repellent. Keep mosquitoes outside of your home by making sure that door and window screens are in good repair.  Residents are strongly encouraged to limit outdoor activities during peak mosquito feeding times at dawn and dusk, to minimize the risks of mosquito borne disease.

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