Agricultural Fogging routes will begin Tuesday evening, June 11th and Wednesday evening, June 12th. Routes continue each Tuesday and Wednesday evening beginning at sunset and lasting up to 3 hours. Ground fogging trucks will be out to reduce the number of mosquitoes accumulating in agricultural areas, in Sutter and Yuba counties. Agricultural fogging will continue weekly in the evening until the risk of mosquito-borne disease or abundance of mosquitoes has been significantly reduced or eliminated.Â
The District will be using a pyrethroid insecticde.  This ultra low volume spraying material is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and is applied according to label directions by the District's trained and certified technicians and/or contractors. ​This ultra low volume spraying will occur in rural areas of  the District.  Although this material poses a low risk to human health, some people may prefer to avoid or minimize the exposure by staying indoors, keeping their windows closed and turning off their window-mounted air conditioners, evaporative coolers and whole house fans when spraying is taking place in the immediate area.